english novell: Hunted


My english novell is no clear! I wrote about a girl who was kidnaped by a man and she escaped, out of a window (she crushed the window and jumped out). 2policemans came to save her but the men shut them both. And there were a lady who were out to get som blueberrys that tooked the girl home and taked care of her. But the man shut her to and hunted the girl through the woods. But she tooked revenge and killed the man.

I worked on it the whole day and now it´s done! I´m so happy! Now I will look on panic room and eat a sandwich and drink milk! Hopa you all get a nice saturday !


happy birthday


Today it´s my grandmas birthday ! I´d just visit her with my mum and stepdad. Vi ate cake and talked and had  a great time. Now I just gonna chill and load til tomorrow when I will do homework all day and if I get time, go to dad!  We had the examtest yesterday and it went really well, better then I expect actually. And today on the culture meeting I told my "teacher" about a man that I heard relect on a camp. And she sad it would be a great idea to get him to school , so now I have asked him if he could relect on my school! I hope he can, cause he´s good on what he´s doing!

school tomorrow!


Tomorrow i´m going to school for the first time in two weeks. I hasn´t done anything today, I just started to look on Titanic, it´s a tradition that look on it every year. But now when I finded out that it was on the 15th april it sank I have to change the date of the tradition. But I still gonna to look on it, I guess I have to look on it now! It´s one of the bestest movies I know. After Hunger Games of course!

The best thing I know is to help other people. To say to them that even if I don´t know them that the still can talk to me. If they want it of course. The best of it all is that they the most of the time feel so much better afterwords when they have talked how they are feeling, and even if you don´t want to, they give so much back! I love to stand up for my friends and my family, it´s the best thing in the world for me! Cause they have helped me so much!

home !

hey !

now i´m home! i´ve been at my cousins house for almost a week! we had a most awsome time! cinema, city, max and we looked at movies and had a great week. now I will just chill and look on a movie and chill!

have a  nice day!



Now Cassandra and I are at Komtek. And we´re going to do 3D rings! It will go great! My rings from last time was done so ím going to give one to my sister. At eleven a clock we´re going to MAX and eat lunch. Awsome!

Hope you all have a nice day cause we will !

the hunger games


today cassandra and I will go and see the hunger games at the cinema. it will be totaly awsome!
I´ve just mailed my math homework in to my teacher! and it feels good to have done that. we´re going to watch some TV now and after that go to the cinema!

hope you all get a nice day !

on the road again


Beacuse I speak english on my videoblog, the ones who doesn´t know I got a challenge that I was going to talk english in every videoblog I did. So then I will write in english here to.

cassandra and I were at a gym so she could exercise. But I didn´t so I just looked and played on her iPhone. But that was fun to. It was fun to look how they exercised. We´ve just eat the chocolate cake we did and it tasted awsome. But it was to hard. And when cassandra put it in the microwave it was burned! It didn´t smell good when she opened it ! But know I think we´re going to look on a movie we rent or just sit and talk with the computers. You can do ´that if you google it. Tomorrow we´re going to the city to look on a movie at the cinema, The hunger games. We´re really looking forward to it!

Hope you all get an awsome night and I see you all tomorrow.
P.S I can´t videoblog this week, there´s something wrong on my youtube channel so I will do one when I come home. But I will still write!



nu har vi vaknat och är jävligt pigga kan man ju säga!
vi har garvat i cirka 45 minuter typ! vi är helt jävla crazy!
aja, idag ska vi inte göra så mycket , vi ser väl vad som komma skall. men ikväll ska hon träna medans jag gör matteläxan...


skriv skriv SKRIV !

hej alla!

nu har alla mina bloggläsare varit jättedåliga på att ge utmaningar, att ge något att prata om och dessutom inte gett några frågor ! så antingen kan ni nu kommentera, smsa och ringa ( ni som har mitt nummer, ger ej ut det ) eller också kan ni maila mig något! [email protected] , för jag behöv något och prata om och jag behöver utmaningar och frågor att svara på!

men kravet är, det måste vara något seriöst ni skriver, saker som anses olämpliga eller oseriösa eller kränkande kommer jag inte att svara på/göra! så ni får inte skriva något kränkande , oseriöst eller olämpligt som jag ska göra, för det hamnar i sopkorgen på en gång!

så nu ber jag er att maila/skriva/kommentera/ringa mig om vad ni tycker jag ska svara på eller göra eller prata om ! skulle vara väldigt tacksam om det kom flera grejor, för ni har varit väldigt dåliga på sista tiden att höra av er!

ha det bra!

long time ago

hejhej, inser nu att det var ett tag sedan jag gjorde ett inlägg på denna blogg, har ju gjort fullt med videobloggar på min youtubekanal. där heter jag andrealundin, kolla gärna. idag är det skärtorsdag och mamma och magnus ska iväg på en middag och jag har ju varit sjuk hela vekcna så jag måste stanna hemma, det hade jag nog fått gjort även om jag var frisk , men men, dom åker och lämnar mig med en dator som är kopplad till tv så det blir högupplöst facebook ikväll. inte nog med det så kom mamma hem idag från affären med ett påskägg som jag tjatat mig till. aja, ska nu säga hejdå till mina kära familjemedlemmar  och sedan bänka mig framför datatv:n HELA kvällen, skönt minst sagt ! ha en lugn skärtorsdag nu gott folk !


You know my name, NOT MY STORY.

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